Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Although racism has significantly improved throughout the years, it still exists. A demonstration of how race is something that has been socially constructed is the global census we viewed in class. Race can’t be defined considering each location identifies individuals differently. It's difficult, nearly impossible to label a person based on their appearance, but people do it all the time. A similar analogy we used in class was the categorization of the different types of balls. Just like the balls had different shapes, sizes, colors etc. so do people. Despite the circumstances, as humans, we've learned to distinguish differences by categorizing. How do we know where to draw that line when we categorize? Whites are more privileged considering they are the majority group, therefore, although more Americans are on welfare, we do not focus on them due to the fact that they are not a minority. Unfortunately, this also applies to jobs as well. In the video we watched, a white with a felony got hired over a black that had a clean record. This is just one example of explicit racism is being prejudice or discriminating one due to their race. One of my friends experienced racism because they had been Hispanic, but that doesn't make them any less of a person. On the other hand, there’s also implicit racism. This is the subconscious mind associating good thoughts more quickly to specific groups over others. All in all, both are racism and both are degrading. If we could look past these classifications, we could create a peaceful, composed society.

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