Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Socialization is the process by which we become human. There are two aspects, which play major roles known as nature and nurture. Nature deals with what you grow with that's unchangeable, otherwise known as heredity, while nurture deals more with what’s around you, or your environment. You need both in order for this process to be successfully, but how you're raised determines who you become.

"The Feral and Isolated Children" are examples of nurture because they demonstrate that certain characteristics are learned through particular environments. Children who are exposed to a wild life environment will adapt to wild life living. Isolated children on the other hand, are behind in developmental stages, furthermore, there are no connections or shared thoughts, which affect their behavior, attitudes, and values. Oprah's documentary was another example of how we as humans need interaction in order to thrive. You can have incredible genes, but without given the proper nurture, you cannot successfully evolve.

Socialization agents that are significant in my life are family, school, and the media. These impact our lives greatly; giving us ideas of who we are, or what we want to become. Family has a great influence on my nurture because these are the people who raised me, who I am surrounded by daily. My family in ways I may not even recognize has affected me.  Next, school also impacts my life because it's something I've been accustomed to for many years giving me a sense of what I enjoy, what I struggle with, who I am and where I want to go from here. The people I am surrounded by at school impact my decision making, but the main source we're all equally impacted by is media. It's something, which surrounds our lives daily. It's something that's unavoidable;  "The Mass Media" film we watched explains how consumer's decision making is influenced to buy certain products in order to improve the overall "happiness". The media has a negative impact because it gives us, and children unrealistic expectations of reality. Young girls believe that you find a prince charming and live happily ever after; while boys think crying means you're a weak baby. Unfortunately, the media starts young because they realize children don't know any better and some of us are unconsciously impacted by it whether we would like to admit it or not.

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